@foreach ((array)json_decode($patients, true) as $items) @if($items['sex'] == 'Male') @elseif($items['sex'] == 'Female') @endif @if($items['phone']) @else @endif @endforeach
Reg. Date TB patient number Name Surname Sex
Age Phone Known contact (yes/no) TB risk group
1 = health care worker, 2 = miner, 3 = prison inmate, 4 = others, specify
DR-TB risk group
1 = previous TB treatment, 2 = RR-TB contact, 3 = others, specify
Sputum smear microscopy (two samples) Rapid molecular test HIV test result*** Remarks (including TB registration number if TB is detected)
Date sputum collected Date sputum sent to laboratory Date smear results received Smear microscopy received Laboratory serial number Date sputum collected Date sputum sent to laboratory Date smear results received Smear microscopy received Laboratory serial number
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($items['created_at'])->toDateString() }} {{ $items['patient_number'] }} {{ $items['Fname'] }} {{ $items['Lname'] }}MF{{ $items['age'] }} {{ '0'.$items['phone'] }}YesNo